OTP SMS Service in villupuram I Abenz Technologies
OTP SMS Service Provider in VIllupuram I Abenz Technologies Pvt Ltd : What is OTP SMS Service? OTP SMS Verification that module is used for the security verification between two interface through mail and mobile communication.Its 100% possibility to remove the fake account creations. How the OTP SMS Service Architecture Works? The flow chart that shows how the OTP sms service works. (here described with Google but also relevant to Facebook or other social providers) On application load it sends request /phone/isRegistered to the security check adapter, and toggle buttons in response In case the user is not registered he presses the Register button. Request /phone/register/{request} is sent to the security check adapter, and as result the phone is registered on the server registration data. From that time the security context can access to that number. The user presses on the Login button which invoke the...